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FP7-ICT-2013 "CReAM" (612451)

"Bridging Creative Industries with technology providers & innovators"

Funding program: ICT Theme of the FP7

Objective: ICT-2013.8.1: "Technologies and scientific foundations in the field of Creativity"

Contract type: Coordination and Support Actions (CSA)

Time frame: 1st October 2013 to 31st September 2015 (24 months)


RFSAT Participates in the CReAM project as a member of the SME Stakeholder's Group.


Project objectives:

The CRe-AM project aims to bridge communities of creators with communities of technology providers and innovators, in a collective, strategic intelligence and roadmapping effort to streamline, coordinate and amplify collaborative work. This will be achieved by developing, enhancing, and mainstreaming new ICT technologies and tools by addressing the needs of different sectors of the creative industries.

The project involves creators who currently use ICT tools in their everyday creative practices, and will engage them in a collective dialogue with ICT researchers and developers. The objective is to empower creators by giving them access to new forms of facilitation, enhancement, and contextualization of the creative process and its outputs.

The focus is on the future ICT R&D agenda, which develops new tools for supporting the creative processes as well as enhance and improve existing tools and platforms to be more adapted to, or to better care for, the needs of specific creators’ groups. Thus, the project aims at forming a critical mass of ICT and creative communities working together. The main target users are individual creators and professionals, as well as SMEs, creative groups, communities, and institutions. It is extremely important for the communities of artists and creators, creative professionals, technology experts and IT designers or providers, cultural institutions and creative industries to work strategically together, in order to maximize resources, share expertise and enhance creativity.

CRe-AM focuses on strategic planning and structured dialogue, and particularly pertinent for meeting the current cultural, technological, and economic challenges with creative visions and recommendations for the future.

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