FP7-SEC-2007 "STRAW" (218132)

Security technology active watch

Funding program: SECURITY Theme of the FP7 (FP7-ICT-STRAW)

Research area: FP7-SEC-2007-7.0-01 'Technology watch'

Time frame: October 2008 to May 2010 

Overview of activities:

The STRAW objective was to enhance the European civil security by facilitating the cooperation among the different security stakeholders: researchers, technology providers and end-users, including administration. This mission was accomplished by monitoring the security domain in order to detect relevant and applicable security technology developments, knowledge, experience and stakeholders and to deliver this information to the right audience at the right time to take advantage of this information. In addition, STRAW brought  together the defence and security research industry in order to foster the development of new applications and the creation of future opportunities of cooperation. 

The list of specific STRAW objectives included:

  • Development of an online IT system serving for repository and interface for managing information on security, so that security stakeholders could take advantage of the relevant technologies and trends.
  • Establishment of a network of contact points and the promotion the networking activities aiming at reinforcing the European security community and enhance transnational cooperation.
  • Constitution of a panel of experts to monitor the implementation.

The consortium coordinated by Atos Origin incorporated research and industrial partners, having access to both the defence and the civilian security sectors, and representing relevant end users. The consortium was also supported by a panel of experts consisting of 23 members (RFSAT among them) with different background and nationalities.

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