3D Modelling for Cultural Heritage Protection

Areas of investigation include:

  • Sub-millimeter 3D scanning and modelling of Cultural Heritage objects using photogrammetric techniques
  • Dealing with point clouds exceeding 100 million converging to 3D models with more than 10 million faces
  • Achieving 3D model accuracy beyond 50 micrometers with commercial high-resolution cameras e.g. 50.3MP Cannon EOS 5DS
  • Simulated ageing of Cultural Heritage objects using model deformation based on rules derived from real accelerated material ageing

Results include:

  • Research: use depth data associated with raster images to reduce borderline effects, increase model precision and lower complexity
  • Research: accommodate penetrating imaging including thermal, ultrasonic, X-ray and Raman.
  • Development: custom CUDA-accelerated (with multi-NVIDIA Titan X) workstation, reducing several times 3D modelling time.
  • Accuracy: 50 micrometers or more with >50MP commercial cameras and expect 25 micrometers with Phase ONE 100MP camera.

References for Further Reading

3D Gallery of Research and Development Projects in Virtual Reality

The 3D Gallery software, developed with Unreal Engine version 4.18, demonstrates 3D modelling results from funded research projects of RFSAT:

The Gallery3D can be downloaded from: https://www.rfsat.com/download/Gallery3D_setup.exe. An online version can be found HERE.

Acknowledgement: The virtual environment has been built using a 3D model showcase tool "The Gallery" by Dean Hulton.

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