Kinect Server for game-based rehabilitation in e-Health

Aims and Objectives of the integrated e-Health system:

  • Remote (home) patient rehabilitation
  • Game targets as incentive for rehabilitation
  • Seamless remote monitoring by physicians
  • Low-cost of home/clinician systems
  • Lower costs on Public Health Care

The integral part of the system is a Mixed-reality Game-Based Rehabilitation System composed of the RFSAT-propriatory Kinect Server technology, a range of immersive and physiological user interfaces (including EMG for detecting muscle reaction, EEG for Brain-Machine interfacing, Leap-Motion for hand and finger gesture recognition, MS Kinect and wireless body suits for full body motion recognition and tracking, 3D photogrammetry for recognition of environment geometry, magnetic sensors for proximity detection, eye tracking for optical viewpoint detection, augmented reality visors and a range of physiological sensors like ECG, heart-rate, sweat index, pulse oximetry and others, depending on the form and purpose of the specific rehabilitation/training).


The technology constitutes either software-only or embedded hardware-software solution enabling any client device to communicate with Microsoft Kinect devices. The server software supports:

  • Network access to 3D immersive U/I
  • Kinect Server supports any computer HW running:
    • Linux Ubuntu and other
    • Microsoft Windows (Windows 8 or higher)
  • Embedded windows-compatible computers supported
  • Connections from client devices via HTTP over any IP network


 A range of games have been developed, from full-body augmented reality immersion (left), full-body virtual reality training (middle) to personal trainers for e.g. smartphones (right).


Development was funded by the European Commission in the FP7-StrokeBack research project.


References for further reading:

Books and Chapter contributions

  • Modern Stroke Rehabilitation through e-Health-based Entertainment, edited by Emmanouela Vogiatzaki and Artur Krukowski, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2016, ISBN: 978-3-319-21292-0 (Print) 978-3-319-21293-7 (Online),
  • Cyber-physical Systems for Epilepsy and Related Brain Disorders: Multi-parametric Monitoring and Analysis for Diagnosis and Optimal Disease Management, Nikolaos S. Voros and Christos Antonopoulos (editors), Chapter 12 on Personal Health Record by Artur Krukowski, Emmanouela Vogiatzaki, et al, Springer International Publishing Switzerland, Hardcover ISBN 978-3-319-20048-4, eBook ISBN978-3-319-20049-1, 2015,
  • Systems Design for Remote Healthcare, edited by Koushik Maharatna and Silvio Bonfiglio, Chapter 6 by Artur Krukowski, Emmanouela Vogiatzaki, et al, Patient Health Record (PHR) system, Springer Science and Business Media New York, ISBN 978-1-4614-8842-2, November 2013,

Journals and Magazines

  • Vogiatzaki Emmanouela and Artur Krukowski, Rehabilitation after Stroke using Immersive User Interfaces in 3D Virtual and Augmented Gaming Environments, EAI Endorsed Transactions, Special issue on Mobile and Wireless Technologies for Healthcare, 2015 (
  • DOI
  • Krukowski Artur and Emmanouela Vogiatzaki, Adaptations of Personal Health Record Platform for Medical Research on Chronic Diseases, EAI Endorsed Transactions, Special issue on Mobile and Wireless Technologies for Healthcare, 2015 (
  • Vogiatzaki Emmanouela and Artur Krukowski, Serious Games for Stroke Rehabilitation Employing Immersive User Interfaces in 3D Virtual Environment, Special Issue of the Journal of Health Informatics, Volume 6 (2014), ISSN 2175-4411, pages: 105-13

Conferences and Workshops

  • Krukowski Artur and Emmanouela Vogiatzaki, User Interfaces and 3D Environment Scanning for Game-Based Training in Mixed-Reality Spaces6th EAI International Conference (ArtsIT’2017), Interactivity and Game Creation , 30-31st of October 2017, Heraklion, Greece.
  • Krukowski Artur, Marios Charalambides and Michalis Chouchoulis, Supporting Medical Research on Chronic Diseases using Integrated Health Monitoring Platform, 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare - "Transforming healthcare through innovations in mobile and wireless technologies", special session on eHealth@Home - Infrastructure and services for remote multi-parametric monitoring, analysis and support, 3-5th November 2014, Athens, Greece.
  • Vogiatzaki Emmanouela and Artur Krukowski, Serious Games for Stroke Rehabilitation Employing Immersive User Interfaces in 3D Virtual Environment, 3rd International Conference on Serious Games and Applications for Health (SeGAH’2014), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 14-16th May 2014.
  • Vogiatzaki Emmanouela, Yannis Gravezas and Artur Krukowski, Rehabilitation System for Stroke Patients using Mixed-Reality and Immersive User Interfaces, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC’2014), Bologna, Italy, 23-26th June 2014
  • Vogiatzaki Emmanouela, Gravezas Yannis, Dalezios Nikos, et al, Telemedicine System for Game-Based Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients in the FP7-“StrokeBack” Project, European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC’2014), Bologna, Italy, 23-26th June 2014.
  • Vogiatzaki Emmanouela, Peter Langendoerfer and Steffen Ortmann, Advanced Media Technologies for Stroke Rehabilitation, iACToR’s 17th Annual Cyber Psychology & Cyber Therapy Conference organised by Interactive Media Institute and Virtual Reality Medical Institute, Brussels, Belgium, 25–28th September 2012


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