About RFSAT Limited

RFSAT Limited is a non-profit research-performing SME, legally established in the Republic of Ireland since 2018. It has also research office in Athens (Greece). Its UK offices have closed as of the 17th of August 2020

Its activities focus on research and development through national and international research funding, as well as industrial consultancy. RFSAT focuses its current activities on funded research activities on national levels as well as in European Research Framework programs, including Horizon Europe Framework and earlier ones, COST Actions, Media Europe Program, ESA industrial projects etc. The list of research and development activities includes hybrid indoor (wireless) and outdoor (GNSS with assisted and differential variants) positioning and localisation systems, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), networked audio-visual systems, Virtual and Augmented Reality systems, mixed-reality user interfaces for gaming and entertainment, autonomous systems (UAS, UGV and UUV) for safety critical applications such as Critical Infrastructure (CI) protection, Cyber-Physical security systems, Machine Learning and Cognitive Artificial Intelligence (AI), Future Internet and 5G Mobile Communications etc. RFSAT has been strongly investing and successfully exploiting its enabling technologies in e-Health, Smart Energy/Metering application areas. Most recent work includes projects in security where research activities concentrate on autonomous day/night surveillance, area modelling (2D and 3D) and micro-embedded environmental sensing using micro-UAV/UAS aerial platforms for e.g. Cultural Heritage protection against natural disasters and negative effects of Climate Change.

In 2009 RFSAT has established a Media Technologies for Arts and Culture group aimed at applying company's technologies in all aspects of Performing Arts and Entertainment, from Theatre and Dance to Multimedia Performances, Future Cinema beyond HD, 3D immersive television and future gaming. In this context RFSAT targets future entertainment without disregarding potential application for e-Education, e-Entertainment, e-Tourism, e-Health and other areas. Its most recent activities focus on promotion of technology transfer to Performing Arts for the benefit of the Artistic communities, some of those partly funded from the Media Europe Program.

RFSAT is currently strongly investing in Horizon Europe funded research activities in the areas of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in application areas of Smart Energy, e-Health systems, Secure Societies, Environmental Monitoring, Mobility services, Future Internet and Multi-Modal Transport. RFSAT participates actively in European, international and industrial research and development activities being a partner of several R&D Projects funded by the European Commission through its FP7, COST and Horizon'2020 programs. RFSAT Limited is also a Member of several European Technology Platforms (ETP), Industrial Associations, Special Interest Groups (SIG), Standardisation bodies and Strategic Alliances. For more information please refer to the list of our memberships.

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